Why every woman should strength train

So you joined the gym, what next?! The gym can be a scary place for women who have never been there before. There are lots of machines and weights that you have no idea how to use! So you jump on the treadmill or go to spin class. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, a lot of women end up stuck in this routine, and never experience the many benefits of strength training.

You only have to have a glance around the weights room (aka, the ‘man cave’) at any gym to see that men are usually the ones dominating the space. However, more and more women are beginning to realise that strength training is a great way to stay fit and look amazing.


Lean machines

Many of my clients express concerns about becoming ‘too bulky’ or that by picking up a dumbbell they are going to suddenly turn into the Incredible Hulk! The reality is that it’s extremely difficult, even for men, to put on that amount of muscle, and it doesn’t happen overnight or by accident. It’s even harder for women to put on large amounts of muscle, as our hormones aren’t designed for that. The girls that are very muscular have put in years of training, and are incredibly strict with their eating and supplementation (not to mention steroids for many of the female bodybuilders).

Burn, baby, burn

In fact, the muscle that you fear is actually what’s going to create that toned physique that you are working towards. By increasing your lean muscle mass, your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) increases. This is a fancy way of saying that as you gain muscle, your body burns more calories at rest. So if you’re eating the same amount, you will be using more energy (ie. Burning calories) without even getting out of bed! Except you will want to get out of bed, because you will be experiencing all of the benefits of weight training, such as feeling more confident, looking sexier naked, having increased libido and brain function, increasing your strength, better sleep, and increased energy levels.


Live long, live strong

Strength training also has other health benefits such as increasing your bone density, which will reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Weight training has also been proven to dramatically reduce the risk of Type II diabetes, as well as reduce your risk of cancer. In fact, UCLA has recently completed a study proving that the greater your muscle mass, the lower your risk of premature death!


A lot of women don’t know the benefits of strength training and think that running on the treadmill for hours on end is going to help them achieve that toned look they are after. What they don’t realise is that solid-state cardio training alone isn’t going to cut it. Your body needs muscle, not only for those curves in the right places, but to make your body a more efficient powerhouse at burning fat.

Rock that body

My client Kathy trained with me for 10 months and has seen a great improvement in her physique. She had always been into fitness, and her nutrition was quite good. She was happy with her body and simply wanted to add to her fitness routine, which mainly involved spin, yoga, and other classes. There’s a six-month difference in these photos and the only difference in her routine was that she added 2-3 days per week of strength training. Not only did she really enjoy the challenge, but she is incredibly happy with the changes in her physique.


Strength in numbers

The Australian Government recommends that you should do muscle-strengthening activities for at least two days per week, in addition to at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. I would recommend getting started with compound lifts such as squats, bench press, overhead press, pull ups (or lat pulldown), and rows. Aim for between 8-12 repetitions on each exercise for three or four sets. If you can do more repetitions than that, then you aren’t going heavy enough to tax your muscles properly. Rest for a minute or so between each set. Rinse and repeat for each consecutive exercise.


Make sure you always use the correct lifting technique. If you are unsure, get in contact with a Personal Trainer who can help guide you. Incorrect technique can not only hinder your progress but cause injuries and inconsistencies in your physique.

Weight training for females is an incredibly beneficial tool. Not only will it increase your confidence and appearance, but massively benefit your every day health and wellness. So stop chasing that elusive ‘box-gap’ on the treadmill, and hit the barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and sculpt buns ripe for twerking!


A bit about me:

I have been Personal Training in London for the past 5 years at the boutique gym, Gymbox, and recently moved back to the Gold Coast and started working at EMF Performance Center in Robina. I have a strong interest in training females, and helping them realise how strong, fit and confident they can be!

Yes, getting in shape is hard – but it doesn’t have to be that soul-destroying torture you are used to! I will ensure your exercise sessions are both fun and enjoyable. I remove that intimidating feeling out of gym training and bring my motivation, energy, and enthusiasm to every session. Take my word for it – lifting weights won’t make you bulky. I constantly train with heavy weights; so I am a testament to my epic form of training! I have a passion for fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. My specialties include fat loss, strength and conditioning, lean muscle gain, body transformation, and obstacle course race training. I have competed in many obstacle course races, including the Spartan Race World Championships as an ambassador of Reebok, and before that, I competed in Powerlifting competitions.


Let’s kick your training into high gear!

Contact me for a free consultation, or if you simply have any questions about training, by emailing PTAshleigh@gmail.com

Subscribe to my Instagram @ashi_9 to watch my training videos.


24 thoughts on “Why every woman should strength train

  1. I always have female customers and clients with the same concern. It’s funny how people think they are going to get “jacked” just from drinking/eating more protein and lifting weights. Great post btw. I’m going to recommend this to women whenever they question my advice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ferreira, that means a lot. Not a week goes by where I don’t have this conversation with someone. In fact, one of my clients just today was doing dumbbell military press (with 8kg dumbbells!) and a guy came up to her and told her that he thinks she should stop lifting so heavy so that she doesn’t get big shoulders and traps! She knows that’s not true so just laughed it off, but that’s damaging to a newcomer to the gym.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No problem. Haha even most men have no clue what they’re talking about. It’s amazing how misinformed people are when it comes to fitness. It’s unfortunate really.


  2. It makes me happy to see people writing about this 🙂 the benefits women can gain from strength training are just too good to ignore. I first entered the ‘man zone’ last year and was so glad I did. You find that the men don’t even care you’re in there, moreover they probably respect that a woman is lifting heavy! I prefer it to cardio for so many reasons. The main one is the empowerment I feel when I push through my PBs and how it shapes my body! Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Too many women doing only cardio and losing their true physique, whether its a fear of weights or media, its an issue that should be resolved. Every woman I meet I talk about the misconception of weights and strength training. KEEP YOUR FEMALE FORM

    Liked by 1 person

  4. HI, Ashleigh! Very nice post. It’s nice to see a woman pushing weight training for women. You have all the right reasons, too. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post 13 curious facts about bones. Keep up the good work!


  5. great post, I have been training women with weights for almost 10 years now, we used to get strange looks from other ladies in the ‘cardio’ room. resistance training has always worked with the women I train, good read x

    Liked by 1 person

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